I had started off this new year with a great mindset. GPS was set to the future. I was packed, snacks on-hand, windows down with my head out, and tongue out my mouth. But the brain is a strange and mysterious place. It its where two lobes come together and create everything that we feel and think we know about ourselves. Strangely enough it feels like a dichotomy. One side is creative, and one is logical. They work side-by-side even if doesn't make sense or feel that way all the time.

When you think you're on the the right track, radio blasting your favorite song, momentum is building, POW! You get a flat tire. Easy fix really once you get over the initial frustration, but annoying none-the-less. Thank god for AAA (and friends and family on these days).

Things just don't seem to be in sync once in a while. The universe is not out to get you, but it can get tiring living in your head, so I remind myself to focus on the sum of my parts. 

The brain's purpose is for thinking after all. Lungs are for breathing. Maybe the heart is there for balance. It controls blood flows, and IS a central organ. Like an Engine for your vessel. Maybe it is more than just this physical thing, maybe it is an idea too. 

I've started thinking of these things like a car, and am trying to treat my body (and mind) with this similar concept. All parts of me need a little bit of "love and affection". My body is not a temple. It's more like my first car I ever owned.

It was passed down from my sister, who received it from my mom and dad, who worked hard and saved for it, till one day became mine. It was well-traveled, and ready for the road, but I was a new driver. 

"Hot Wheels" a.k.a. "lunchbox" as we called it, taught me to figure things out as I learned to navigate this new world on my own. Really though, it taught me to feel more instinctually and to listen to my gut. That first initial freedom was worth more than the car would ever get on Kelly's blue book (10x over).

If our body works as a unit, all parts must work together for it to run it's best. When one thing fails, so goes the rest. You just have to take a pit stop and breathe. Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance?

I have to remind myself treat all parts of me with care, and don't ignore that "check engine" light. It won't turn itself off 😆

Drive-by and throw some gas in your tank. A little oil for your engine. Maybe some coolant for the A/C and some damn wiper fluid (always forget that one). 


  1. I hear you. On those beautifully rare unicorn days when everything is in sync, I count it as a sign from The Universe that I am on the right path, and just keep going. Other days, I feel that the birds have eaten all the bread crumbs I've strewn, and I Can't Find My Way Home. Some days are like that, even in Australia... <3

    Also, to make it even more confusing, each side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body. WTF?!?

    Also, love the nod to Joan Armatrading!

    Last Also, my favorite beoke-down car song: https://youtu.be/2ZWRPse9BZ8


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