Today I am grateful for my household appliances and by that I mean the ⚡electric feel ⚡of being shocked, that reminds you you're present and alive. When you get zapped, you want to figure out why. I have decided I wanna become a repair man.

I had been having a streak of " Powering-off" for a couple days. It felt like a bundle of crossed-wires. I couldn't get on the same grid with my family and friends. ⚡Caution: Electrical Metaphors and short fuses still ahead.⚡ Maybe it's just general disdain for adulting. Call it what you want, but it was a cyclone of dust, and I was being pulled into the eye. I started to over-analyze my feelings: back and forth, over and over, the same situation. Instead of utilizing static electricity, I stalled. Why not put these motions to better use?

So I stress-cleaned (one of my healthier coping mechanisms). Even in that process somehow, I noticed my vacuum cleaner was dirty. So I ripped that apart, and cleaned it. This was going nowhere fast, but somehow I did it. I took apart an appliance. I cleaned it. Put it back together, and it hoover's better than I remember.

My room is cleaner which makes sense, even my thoughts and self-doubts are quieter. Is there something to this? Call it self-care, or self reliance (after-all we are the ones using the appliance), but it reminded me of my personal strengths. I stood up straighter when rolling that little sucker back in the closet. "I fixed you" - to the Vacuum

This post feels full circuit. The Brave Little Toaster, because it's how I feel inside. Proud. It's the small victories that matter most, especially when you feel disconnected.

 I am not a handy man, but I see the allure. I didn't know I needed that little charge from fixing something else. Blogworthy? Maybe not, but a book called Zen and the art of Vacuum maintenance would probably suck more...

Drive by and throw an extension cord out. We all need to plug in and connect to something, even if we are shocked.


  1. Oh, such fond memories of The Brave Little Toaster. If I had a nickel for every time you all watched that!
    Isn't it nice when we surprise ourselves in extreme situations? I actually just revived my laptop, and found my way to System Restore. A few glitches but, still, it's not The Blue Screen of Death anymore... :-)

    “We are relative. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present.” ~ Anais Nin


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